Day 459 – Happy Holidays!

Hey everyone,
It has been quite a while since I last posted an update and I apologize  for that. Throughout the past month I have been overwhelmed with getting through my classes and finals, I was just too busy dealing with daily life to update my blog. However, I still kept track of my measurements and on the 6th I had another meeting with my endocrinologist. The appointment went well and my estrogen and testosterone levels are finally within female ranges. Here are my hormone levels and most recent measurements.

446 Days
4mg Estradiol/200mg Spironolactone
Estrogen: 101.36 Pg/mL
Testosterone: 39 ng/dL
Prolactin:  11.1 ng/mL
Upper arm: 12.5
Forearm: 10.5
Bust: 38.75
Under bust: 34.25
Natural Waist: 32.5
Beltline: 39.5
Hips: 44
Thigh: 25
Calve: 15.75

Weight: 185 lbs

As you can see, things are looking pretty good. My breasts are nice and round and are actually big enough to grab! My skin has become unbelievably soft (especially on my chest/belly). One thing I am really starting to notice is how emotional I can get now. I will unexpectedly start crying during movies when something touching happens, something I could never do as a boy. Earlier this week on the night before my chemistry final I broke down from the pressure and was all out weeping for 10 or 20 minutes. On the same day as my chemistry final I had to go in front of a court magistrate to contest a speeding ticket I got back in May (I will go into that in my next post), needless to say I cried nearly the whole way home. Though it is annoying at times, it is a big relief to finally be able to let my emotions out.

I spent last weekend in the Bronx and Pennsylvania meeting my girlfriend’s family during their annual christmas party. I had a great time getting to know them and surprisingly things went off without a hitch, and no one knew I was trans to boot!

I am going to end this here because I have a long day ahead of me with the family, santa is already on his way to my rooftop! I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and spends some time with their loved ones.


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About gingertrap

I am a transgender woman, documenting my experiences with hormone treatment to help educate other transwomen of their effects as well as the daily struggles of being a human being.

6 responses to “Day 459 – Happy Holidays!”

  1. asunachan says :

    omg…. /)(\ Sishoof!
    Pinkiepie you re so random!

  2. Ashley Elise Belka says :

    Hooray! Looks like things are going very well for you. ^_^

  3. smartbrains says :

    wow amazing results , and oh merry christmas ho ho ho

  4. tara says :

    how about a picture update to the timeline? did your right boob catch up?

    • gingertrap says :

      I have updates pictures for my breast development timeline, I just haven’t had time to put it together. It is slowly catching up, it is not quite as big but looks much more like a breast. 😛

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